Tom Friedetzky
Member of
- ACiD (Algorithms & Complexity in Durham)
- NESTiD (Network Engineering, Science and Theory in Durham)
- Scientific Computing
List of some workshops and conferences
Research interests
Theoretical Computer Science, in particular:
- randomised algorithms & probabilistic analysis,
- combinatorial algorithms,
- evolutionary processes,
- theoretical foundations of distributed algorithms,
- communication in networks (e.g., broadcasting, rumour spreading),
- load balancing (esp. balls into bins)
Please check out DBLP
Supervised PhD students
Currently supervising
- Henry Austin – Durham Doctoral Studentship
Currently co-supervising
- David Kutner – Durham Doctoral Studentship
- Chris Wastell – EPSRC DTA funded studentship
- Sepehr Meshkinfamfard – EU FP7 Marie Curie ITN “Scaling by means of ubiquitous storage” (SCALUS)
- Lars Nagel – EPSRC 1st Grant scheme
Teaching & Admin 2023/24
On research leave during terms 1 & 3
- L3 Design of Algorithms and Data Structures (term 2)
- Sadly, none